Monday, 23 November 2015

Tina the *&%$ tyre - and other words I called her

Yesterday I went up to Tina the Tyre.  She is the size of a big SUV about the size of a Toyota Landcruiser tyre.

As you can see from the picture I ended up having to put ice on my knees.  It was a real killer all the way round. Even though it was just over a mile, every step I was battling with myself to just keep going, just keep going!  And on top of that needing to go to the toilet as I wasn't going to do a Paul Radcliffe for anybody!! So I kept thinking all the way round of why and what I'm doing this for and I don't know about you, but I turn into a bipolar person when I do exercise that really pushes me.  One side of me - the angel side - keeps telling me you can do this, think of how good you are going to feel when you finish, think of the achievement. The other side of me - the devil side - tells me just stop now you don't have to do this, you can try this again another day. 

But you should have seen me I was nearly horizontal at some point due to the rough terrain. I could have easily touched the ground and it started raining so I could almost imagine I was back in the UK.

I'm going to go back to Tiny with weight next drag, for a distance drag, and use Tina as strength training, as she made me realise I have a way to go yet.

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