Sunday 8 November 2015

Training update

Well things have been really busy on the tyre dragging/fitness side of life.  Yet again no photos thanks to security on base, though I'm not ready to take things out into the streets yet. But I promise I will get some without being run over by some bad Bahraini driver

I'm doing my own High Intensity Interval Training alongside the tyre dragging which is a killer.  I pick about 8 exercises of pain to do full out for 40 seconds with 10 seconds rest in-between - going through 3 or 4 times. I can safely say my 6 pack is on the way back, no longer a barrel, as after not doing anything for 6 months due to injury its a very slow process. I've learnt my lesson of not trying to kill myself quite so crazily (like flipping tractor tyres in 55 degrees direct sunlight). Because surprisingly I don't want my kneecaps injected anymore.  I'm in this for the long run not a sprint. Besides watching me run is like phoebe out of friends - I am not a natural runner

My American tyre drag buddy has come to the end of his time in Bahrain - how very rude of him. So the tyre will be ceremonially handed over to my friend and work colleague who is a complete beginner so she will make me slow down look at my form and take things gradually which is a really good thing, as you have probably guessed by now I sometimes just push myself a little too much :)

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