Monday, 2 November 2015

Miss Anita's do not touch!!


Well the picture says it all!
Had a really good first tyre drag last night.  I couldn't take pictures this time due to security but hopefully the next.  I put broken concrete inside the tyre as weights and dragged the tyre about a mile.  I know it doesn't sound like much but believe me on my first attempt over broken cobbles and badly laid tarmac, if any, it was like one of those dreams you have where you are running but not going anywhere. At least it wasn't the naked in a public place dream as well. Don't tell me its only me that gets that dream?
Two people nearly fell off their cycles as they went past as I don't think they have seen anything like it before - or maybe its just the ginger hair lol :)
Thanks go to the two people that came out with me as well.  We've become the United Nations of tyre pulling.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. At last somebody admitting it as I thought it was just me :)

  2. Thank god!! I thought I was the only freeky one with naked dreems..

  3. The 3 people mentioned here are not only from 3 different countries but also 3 different continents

    1. Beside Antarctica I think we should try for all the other continents!

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